The QC Co-Lab is a makerspace which is intended to inspire creativity and project collaborations through use of our tools, work areas, and other resources. Your agreement to adhere to the following code of conduct ensures not only the safety of our members, guests, and equipment, but the ability to continue to provide these services in the future.
Member and Guest Responsibilities
- Behavior: Treat other members and guests with respect. Display of sexually explicit or otherwise offensive material is not permitted. Harassment or intimidating behavior, including verbal, physical, or otherwise, will not be tolerated.
- Guests: Guests are not permitted within the Co-Lab building without a member present, nor are guests permitted equipment use without direct supervision of a member (see below). Members are responsible for the actions of their guests.
- Minors: Members or guests bringing minors under the age of 12 shall supervise their children at all times. Minors aged 17 and younger are not permitted in the building without an adult, or in the wood-shop, auto-shop, metal-working area, or laser area, without DIRECT supervision of their parent or guardian, and MUST use safety equipment appropriate to the area (glasses, hearing protection, otherwise). Members are responsible for the actions of their children.
- Cleaning/safety: Members are expected to help maintain a clean and safe work area through clean-up of their projects and proper disposal of materials and chemicals.
Safety guidelines
- Flames: The use of open flames within the building requires a method of extinguishment within reasonable reach.
- Posted Notices: Watch for and follow posted safety notices throughout the building. The use of safety equipment, including eye and hearing protection, is strongly recommended.
- Damage/Injury: Accidents on Co-Lab property which resulting in personal injury or damage to property should be reported immediately to Damage rendering equipment unusableunsafe should be clearly labeled as such.
- Impaired Operation: Operation of equipment or tools while intoxicated or otherwise mentally impaired or incapacitated will not be tolerated.
Equipment Use
- Permitted Adults: Equipment will be used ONLY by members or by guests under direct supervision of members. This includes equipment and tools provided by members.
- Permitted Minors: Members or children of members under the age of 18 shall not use dangerous or heavy equipment (wood-shop tools, auto-shop, etc.) unless under direct supervision of an adult.
- Use: Use Co-Lab or member-loaned equipment ONLY for its intended purpose. If you’re unsure how to properly operate any equipment, seek appropriate guidance or training.
- Clean-up/Maintenance: While clean-up of your work area should be performed by ALL members, maintenance of equipment should be performed only by owners or equipment-familiar members.
- Borrowing of tools: Equipment and tools shall not leave the building without Board or owner authorization.
Complaint procedure/disciplinary action
Review and Resolution: The QC Co-Lab Board of Directors is not required to act in accordance with any suggested resolution; however, if, after reviewing the complaint, the Board agrees it’s warranted, the Board may either hold a special meeting or bring up the complaint for resolution at the next board meeting. Intentional unsafe equipment operation or destruction of property, threats to life or property, and theft, are considered grounds for immediate revocation of membership.
Submission: Grievances and complaints shall be submitted, in writing, to any member of the QC Co-Lab Board of Directors, either in-person, or to all simultaneously, via email to Please outline your complaint, and any suggested solution you may have, at the time of submission.