Upcoming Class: Arduino Robotics with David Hinkle and Friends Starting May 25th

Posted on May 8, 2013 by contact

Arduino Uno in Hand

Come learn basic programming skills on the Arduino platform with the QC Co-Lab!

David Hinkle, QC Co-Lab President and self-proclaimed “pretty good programmer” is hosting an Arduino programming class with a focus on robotics automation. This class will start on Saturday, May 25th, 2013, and span 4 sessions held weekly from 2 to 4pm. Each session has a suggested donation of $10, payable either online at our donations page, or at the QC Co-Lab. According to Dave, the topics the class will cover over the 4 weeks:

  1. Basic digital electronics. What is Volts, Current, and Resistance What are pullup and pulldown resistors. Ohms Law. Various forms of pulse width modulation.
  2. Basic programming. Variables, functions, using libraries. Making stuff do stuff.
  3. Basic hardware control. Servo’s, steppers, electronic speed controls, LED’s, interfacing with off the shelf RC electronics.
  4. User requested content.

The user requested content can range to anything related to Arduinos, robotics, and micro-controller computing. Feel free to contact David before the class at dhinkle@qccolab.com with your suggestions.

You will want to have an Arduino Uno or compatible development platform for this class. A limited amount of Arduino Unos are available at the QC Co-Lab for $35, and can be purchased before any session as supply remains.

If you’d like to take part in the class, please contact David Hinkle at dhinkle@qccolab.com, and consider donating $10 or more per class. We look forward to seeing you there!

Update: The suggested donation amount was amended to $10 per class as per the original suggestion made by Dave. We apologize for the misinformation.



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