February 20, 2022

Annual Membership Meeting

Posted on February 20, 2022 by weeklyr

The QC Co-Lab will be hosting the annual Membership Meeting on Sunday, March 13th at 2:00 PM! A link to the event can be found here if you would like to add it to your calendar. If you would like to join remotely you can do so here.

The agenda for this meeting includes 

  • A brief presentation looking back on the past year.
  • A look forward to 2022 and what it might hold for the Co-Lab.
  • Time to hear and discuss any ideas or concerns of the membership. 
  • Voting on new board members including the named positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary as well as 3 general voting board members. 
    • All members in good standing are eligible to vote. If you are planning to run for a position you must be a member in good standing and have been an active member for at least 3 months. If you have multiple members in the same household only 1 will be able to hold a board position.

Please try and make time for this event! It is extremely important for the Co-Lab to hear the voices of all members!