November 19, 2021

Winter Is Coming

Posted on November 19, 2021 by weeklyr

As many of you already know we are quickly approaching the “why does the wind hurt my face” months here in the Midwest. We have completed some maintenance on the boiler and will have it up and running here shortly. I would however currently recommend that you bring a sweatshirt to the lab if possible. 

The board would like to thank everyone for their proactivity in coming in to get cards replaced! If you have yet to do so please make sure to email to get a time scheduled. Just a reminder that we no longer have access to the front of the building. That means please do not knock on the front door, try to enter through the interior glass dividing door, or try to enter the front area through the front set of basement steps. The tenets are a completely separate entity from the Co-Lab and deserve our respect. Furthermore on this subject. Please make sure you are not propping open doors, specifically during the winter months as it leads to a large increase in our utility costs. 

This winter we will be implementing a new policy around using stains, paints, and finishes in the lab. We now share our plenum and thus air with another tenant and it is only fair that both the new tenants and the rest of the QC Co-Lab membership have a comfortable and collaborative space to work. The new policy reads as follows and can be found on under Policies. 

  • Any use of paint or finish that creates a poor working environment for the rest of the lab will not be permitted. In our mission statement, we are designated as a place for collaboration and that isn’t possible unless this policy is followed. Violations could result in changes to membership status or termination.

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out via email to

The last bit of information I have for you is that we have set a date for our annual membership meeting. The membership meeting to vote on new board members, as well as any bylaws changes, will take place on Sunday, March 13th at 2:00 PM with a meeting of the new board to follow. PLEASE put this in your calendar and make an effort to attend. This is our chance as an organization and your chance as a member to make your voice heard and contribute to our continued success!